Mrs. Tanzila Zohaib
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Mrs. Tanzila Zohaib

Position: Research Director

Tanzila Zohaib is a dedicated partner at our law firm, bringing her extensive expertise in family law to our clients. With over 10 years of experience, Tanzila is known for her compassionate approach to sensitive legal matters.

Tanzila Zohaib received her Juris Doctor (JD) degree from Yale Law School, where she focused on family law and child advocacy. She has successfully represented numerous clients in divorce, child custody, and adoption cases, always striving to minimize the emotional toll on families while protecting their rights.

Outside of the office, Tanzila is an advocate for children’s rights and volunteers with local organizations that support underprivileged youth. Her commitment to both her clients and the community makes her an invaluable member of our team.

Experience: 5 Years



My Skills

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